Lees onze tips voor een goed plan. Loan funds can be used for the following. Office Of Minority And Women S Business Enterprises The Minority Business Enterprise Loan Program provides loans to socially and economically disadvantaged minority and women-owned businesses as designated by the Mississippi Development Authoritys Minority and Small Business Development Division. Minority business enterprise loan program . Purchase andor improve land and buildings. Pursuant to the Mississippi Code of 1972 as amended at 69-2-134 the MBELP is. The business must be organized for profit and perform a commercially useful function. Advertentie Wilt u een eigen business starten of bent u pas gestart. 15 maanden gratis voor starters. Personal guarantees or business and corporate guarantees as appropriate other security as deemed appropriate by the URA. The NMSDC provides its corporate members with access to the NMSDCs online database of certified MBEs. 15 maanden gratis voor star...