Also be sure to check to see if a visa is needed to visit your destination. Duplicate requests will delay assessment. Iata Reveals Design Elements Of Its Travel Health Pass Itij Create a Trusted Traveler Programs TTP account. International travel pass . My Travel Pass. A International Day Pass charge is automatically applied when you use your services overseas in eligible destinations. 1 786 471-5898 Email. Effective January 26 the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention CDC will require all air passengers entering the United States including US. Travel Compliance Unit Tel. Log in to your TTP account and complete the application. With TravelPass you can call within the country youre visiting and you can call back to the US. Usage includes making or receiving a call sending an SMS or using mobile data. Youre only charged on the days you use your device abroad. As vaccines roll out and Qantas prepares to kickstart international travel in October would-be ...