Anzeige Find the loan thats right for you. This is a subtitle position. Merrick Bank Merrick Bank At the same time if some people have had problems that put them behind but are good loan candidates we will finance them. Merrick bank boat loan . Box 660880 Dallas TX 75266-0880. Merrick Bank is an established lender in providing Boat RV and Horse Trailer loans. If youre buying through a dealership that uses Merrick Bank you should be able to qualify with a credit score as low as 550 or a previous bankruptcy. Merrick Bank provides finance options to marine and RV dealers throughout the country and has established itself as a national leader in providing loans to customers with past credit problems. Welcome to the Personal Loans Account Center. Submit an enquiry at comparisch. RV Boat Horse Trailer Loans Making a Payment You can pay your Merrick Bank RV Boat Horse Trailer loan payment in any of the following ways. Boat lenders typically like to lend to individuals the...