Upon inauguration both Biden and Sanders would be older than President Donald Trump who was 70 when he. Sanders Bloomberg and Biden are pre-baby-boomersmembers like me of the Silent Generation those born during World War II or even a little before 1939 in my case. How Joe Biden Is Eating Into Bernie Sanders Coalition Cnn Politics Both Sanders 78 and Joe Biden 76 suggest their age isnt a major issue but. How old is biden and bernie sanders . At 77 Biden is actually the youngest man still running for the nomination. As the debate was drawing to a close news broke that Sanders was getting the endorsement of the youngest member of Congress 30-year-old Rep. Joe Biden would be 77. On Tuesday Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders tossed his name in for another US. That makes him 78 years old. Making strong appeals to black voters on the campaign trail and in the South Carolina debate Biden won the South Carolina primary by more than 28 points. Bernie Sanders was born on Septemb...