If you paid less you may owe a balance. Some may have already filed their 2020 tax return and need their refund. 2020 Tax Refund Chart Can Help You Guess When You Ll Receive Your Money The earliest you could file a 2020 tax return was Jan. 2020 tax refund . Paper tax returns and. And if you havent filed your taxes. All tax return related correspondence. You Claim Certain Credits. If you filed a paper tax return it may take as many as 12 weeks for your refund to arrive or longer if your state has been or still is under social distancing restrictions. Tax refunds on 2020 unemployment benefits are slated to start this month. So the earliest date anyone could expect to get a refund this year was Feb. Rettig first nominated by President Donald Trump in 2018 and currently serving a five-year term implored Americans eligible to receive those 1400 stimulus checks to send in their taxes. Income Tax Refund Information. Taxpayers who submitted their tax returns earl...