Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide Under the new law the warnings for cigarettes will be changed to read as follows no later than 39 months after enactment. Public Health Service released the first report of the Surgeon Generals Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health. The Risks Of Nicotine Inhalation The Eye Reynolds Tobacco Company believes that individuals should rely on the conclusions of the US. Surgeon general warning tobacco . Tobacco Smoke Increases The Risk Of Lung Cancer And Heart Disease Even In Nonsmokers. Cigars are not a safe alternative to cigarettes. Everett Koop who really got us where we are today says Otis Brawley chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society. On January 11 1964 Luther L. Smokeless Tobacco can cause mouth cancer gum disease and tooth loss. How the Government Stands Up to the Tobacco Industry. Tobacco use increases the risk of infertility stillbirth low birth weight. Home Tobacco Control Policy. Cigar use while preg...