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Defense Finance And Accounting

Office of Finance 004 810 Vermont Avenue NW Washington DC 20420. DFAS is the finance and accounting arm of the Department of Defense DoD. Dfas Denver Closes March 31 Air Reserve Personnel Center Article Display The Defense Finance and Accounting Service DFAS is an agency of the United States Department of Defense under the direction of the Under Secretary of Defense Comptroller. Defense finance and accounting . DFAS pays all DoD military and civilian personnel retirees and annuitants civilian employees of various federal agencies major DoD contractors and vendors and delivers accounting reports and financial information. The DFAS mission is to direct approve and perform finance and accounting activities for DoD. The Defense Finance and Accounting Service oversees payments to Department of Defense servicemembers employees vendors and contractors. MY 1099-R from the Defense Finance and Accounting Service has a Payers Federal Identification number of 34-Q727612. 1 the three D...