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Starkey Bicros Hearing Aids

Sound arriving at the device on the poorer-hearing side is transmitted through a wired or wireless connection to the hearing aid on the better-hearing side Dillon 2001. Start your journey to better hearing. Activity Tracking Hearing Aids Starkey Livio Ai In this case the BiCROS hearing aid will transmit audio from the poorer ear to be mixed with the amplification for the better ear. Starkey bicros hearing aids . A Bi-CROS system is used when someone has an asymmetrical hearing loss that is a hearing loss with one ear better than the other. 417 MISC4727-00-EE-ST BiCROS Balance Control Hearing Aid Only CROS and BiCROS Modes Wireless Device Unpairing MEMORIES CROS and BiCROS modes can be enabled on a per-memory basis. A BiCROS system can help patients with unequal bilateral hearing loss In such cases the poorer-hearing ear has no functional hearing and would not benefit from amplification while the better-hearing ear the ear with less hearing loss requires a traditional hearing aid. ...