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Showing posts with the label conservative

Conservative Growth Fund

Conservative funds are best for investors who have low tolerance for risk or are either near retirement or currently retired. Conservative Growth fund is an asset allocation fund or fund of fundsmdashallocates invests its capital in other Timothy Funds moral mutual funds. Portfolios Portfolio Series By Ci Investments 30 Bloomberg Barclays US. Conservative growth fund . The Fund will tend to follow a concentrated investment approach where selected core holdings and industry sectors may be overweighted because the manager has particular conviction and or. High quality dividend-paying stocks. The stock allocation in the conservative fund should focus primarily on large company US. Aggregate 20 Bloomberg Barclays US. American Funds Conservative Growth and Income Portfolio Index Blend. Updated December 16 2020 Conservative mutual funds are low-risk funds that are designed to match or slightly outpace the average rate of inflation. The Fund seeks long term return potent...