Bureau of Public Debt 10Y 25Y 50Y. As the United States continues its struggle with the pandemic-induced economic recession and a sputtering recovery the countrys burgeoning debt is not anyones top concern these days. Charting America S Debt 27 Trillion And Counting The financial position of the United States includes assets of at least 2696 trillion 1576 of GDP and debts of 1458 trillion 852 of GDP to produce a net worth of at least 1238 trillion 723 of GDP as of Q1 2014. United states economy debt . United States Economy Facts. United States Economy Debt Profiles Subcategories Banks 6. National debt is over 28 trillion the largest its ever been and in the world. Compare Government Debt by Country. Publicly held debt in the United States will exceed 76. Dont use plagiarized sources. The figures look much prettier that way. Measuring the United States national debt requires us to first assess how much our nation owes to its creditors which surpassed 26 trillion on...